- Abu Hanifa's Golden Words: "I May be Wrong."
- A Note on Interpretation and Muslim Scholarship
- Are "Islam" and "the West" Mutually Exclusive?
- Books I Highly Recommend
- The Challenges of Quranic Verse 4:34
- Challenging People's Faith
- Critical Readings of Scholars' Biographies
- The Dead Sea Trip (with pictures from Jordan)
- Disagreeing with the Majority
- The Drawings of Muhammad (pbuh), Facebook, Pakistan, and Ignorance!
- Extremism and Religion - Part I
- Freedom from the Forbidden (a poem)
- Gender, Feminism, and Muslim Scholars
- Heaven and Hell (a poem)
- I envy people who believe in a loving, merciful God.
- Imagine You're a Jurist
- Interview with Dr. Riffat Hassan
- Islamic Feminism
- The Islamist: Why I Became a Fundamentalist, What I Saw Inside, and Why I Left
- JUST A Muslim -- Not a Shiite, Not a Sunni, Just Muslim!
- More Ranting on the Hijab!
- Maryam, Mother of Jesus (pbut), and Patience
- Mecca fro the Rich - Islam's Holiest Site Turning into Vegas
- The Misunderstood Role of the Hijab
- My Thoughts on the Niqab (face-covering)
- Negating the Notion of Culture vs. Religion
- On Homosexuality and Islam. Again.
- On the Intellectual Mutilation of Today's Muslims
- On Mainstream Muslims' Refusal to Learn about Ahmadis' Persecution
- On the Progressive Views of Classical Muslim Scholars
- The Preacher's Appeal
- Ramdhan Kareem: Ramadhan in Jordan
- Reviewing the Niqab
- Riffat Hassan on Women in the Quran
- Scientific Miracles of the Qur'an
- Something Called "Faith"?
- Stimulating Classes: Philosophy of Religion
- What Is "Islam"?
- When God is Depicted as a Bao (Monster)
- Women as Hunna and Men as Kum: The Quran's Audience
- Women Leading Men in Prayer
- Would You Permit Me? (a poem)
- Zakir Naik on Women in Politics
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There is no Mahdi Except jesus son of Mariam. what do yo think about this?
ReplyDeleteHello, Anonymous!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to my blog, and thank you so much for your comment!
I'm not exactly sure about the question. What if I believe there are both a Mahdi and a Jesus (peace be upon them)? The two hold different positions in Islam, so I am not sure if they're comparable. Any specific thought you'd like to address?
Dear Zufash!
ReplyDeletewell an early Muslim saint Mansur Hallaj from the 9th century used to believe that only jesus is going to appear and nobody else. well i trust him on this even though Mansur hallaj is the most controversial person in the history of islam. i think we have to try be critical of all the early sources and question everything, i mean everything.
Hey, Bilal! Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteI see what you mean. I fully agree that everything needs to be questioned (no exceptions) -- but at the same time, we have to make sure that we are respecting other people's ideas. We don't have to submit to them or accept them as our own and they should respect ours, too, without necessarily accepting them. For instance, if someone questions the divinity or authenticity of the Qur'an, it would be wrong of them to tell all Muslims that "Hey, y'all! You folks are sooo wrong you don't know what you're doing. The Qur'an isn't divine, and you're fooled into believing that it is!" etc.
As for whether it's just Jesus who'll be returning or Mahdi as well, I'm actually of the opinion that it does not matter whether one or both (or even neither) will be returning. I think it's one of those debates/discussions that really gets us nowhere when we talk about it. Let's say Mahdi won't be coming. So what? Let's say he will be coming - so what?
Feel more than free to suggest otherwise, though, if you feel like who returns and why is important.
Salam Zufash!
ReplyDeleteok forget Mahdi. There is a book called "The passion of Hallaj" which everyone should read atleast once. His name even appears in Rahman Baba's poetry very interesting.
Do you read Rahman Baba's poetry?
W/S! Thanks, Bilal - duly noted. I'll take a look at it soon, ka khairee.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I read Rahman Baba's poetry. Not too often and don't know too many of them, but I've read a few here and there on the Internet. Do you?
Salam Zufash
ReplyDeletei think you should read Rahman Baba's full diwan if you can get it in the United states. what does sufism mean to you?
i am obsessed with Rahman Baba's poetry.
ReplyDeleteHi, Bilal!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I actually plan to read the complete diwan. There's a website where you can order it, and I plan to do that some time soon, ka khairee.
Thanks for the suggestion :D
one who knows himself knows his lord
ReplyDeleteMight be a new perspective or dimension to one you got especially Islam.