Oman Journals

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Iftar and cooking with another generous Omani family

Yesterday,  Sunday, July 7th, we were invited to the institute director's sister's house for iftar (fast-breaking) - which is more than just breaking the fast, being a whole exciting process, you know. We were taught how to make some delicious Omani appetizers/snacks slash iftar stuff: fataayers, little pizza stuff, sandwiches, and samosas (samboosas in Arabic), and so on. We made them together and then we ate them all afterwards along with a traditional Omani meal that included Omani bread (khubz Omani). Khubz Omani (youtube video)  is really, really thin. Hold on, I show you pics in a second. But let's first take a moment to send some well wishes to this family and to our institute director for providing us with this opportunity. They're a beautiful family, and may God grant them all good health, peace, and much happiness, aameen. Anyone with a heart as big as theirs deserves nothing but the infinite blessings of God. 
Now the pics.

Getting ready to make some fatayers.

Getting ready to make the sandwiches.

Almost there!

And viola!

Then the samboosas

They have two stoves. Lots of efficient cooking happens here.

That's the other stove.

The fatayers done!

Tea. We fought over whether this was British tea or Pakistani/Indian tea. Naturally, I think it's Pashtun tea cuz its the best.

This mint and lemon drink is the best thing ever!!

The stuff we students cooked/made, minus the lemon and mint drink.

There's lots of sitting space in Omani homes.

Because throes curtains require a big mashaAllah.

The stuff, minus the fruits, that you break the fast with. You then go off to pray and return for an actual huge meal.

This is traditional Omani bread. It's really, really, really thin! I thought it was like ishala parata but it's not.

You add ingwalay (ok, ok, SAALAN, urdu-waalo) to it and eat it with your hands. It's really good!

Like this.

My stuff. This is post-meal, I swear.

It's a beautiful house. Please say masahaAllah.


The kitchen. Also mashaAllah.


  1. Everything in you was good but Amina Wadud

    1. Glad you can see good in others! (Although, honestly, I don't need other people's approval for my own beliefs, ideals, practices, preferences, etc.) Thanks for visiting!


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