Oman Journals

Friday, July 27, 2012

Lyrics and English Translation of Da Loyo Loyo Qudratuno Rabba

This is one of my most favorite Pashto songs ever. This is the kind of music, the kind of poetry I like and live for. I like sincerity. I like truth. I like intimate conversations with God. I like the openness of the poet/speaker with her/his God.
ده لویو لویو قدرتونو ربہ
یوتمنا ده اوریدے شے که نہ
O' dear Lord of great bounties!
Can you spare a moment to hear a wish of mine?
ستا د سکنړی سکنړی ماښام نہ لوګے
دچا د زړه لوګے لیدے شے که نہ
May I smolder myself in the name of Your foggy evening
Can you bear to see one's heart burning into smokes?
ستا د سیلئیو طوفانونو پہ مخ
یو اسویلے دے درلیږل اے غواړم
In the name of Your violent gales and storms
I have just this one sigh I wish to send your way
ستا د چپو چپو سیندونو پہ نوم
لیمہ راډک شو څڅول اے غواړم
In the name of Your wavy rivers
My eyes are full of tears - may I shed them to you?
هسے نہ چنړ د خولے ویستل کفر شی
هسے نہ تاتم ژریدل کفر شی
May it not become a sin for one to speak one's mind,
May one's cry not exclude one from the sphere of Your religion
ستا د جنت د نعمتونو نہ ځار
زه درتہ اوږی پہ جہان ژاړم
May I sacrifice myself in the name of the bounties of Your paradise
I am crying for the hungry fellows of this world of Yours

ستا د دوزخ له لړمانو توبہ
زه درتہ دا لړمانان ژاړم
May I be protected from the scorpions of Your hell
I am crying of the scorpions of this world
دلتہ د ګیډے دوزخ تش ګرژو
هلتہ شوستا د دوزخونو خشاک
Here, we are dying of hunger
And there we will be the fuel of Your hell
دلتہ د دغہ قصابانو خوراک
هلتہ د هغہ ځمارانو خوراک
Here, we are the food of these butchers
And there, we will be the food for the snakes of Your hell
نہ مو ځان تور کړو او نہ سپین پاتے شو
نہ د دنیا شو او نہ د دین پاتے شو
Neither can we dare to commit a sin, nor can we wash away our sins
We are the losers of both of your worlds
ستا د سنګینو فیصلو نہ قربان
ولے حیران یم کوم قانون او منم
May I sacrifice myself before Your sharp decisions
But I am confused about which law I am to follow
تہ خو د خپل قارون پہ مزکے منډے
زه د پہ سر باندے قارون او منم
You are burying Your Qaroon deep into the earth
Why should I allow your Qaroon to bury me into the earth?
ستا پہ رضا ځما رضا ده ربہ
کانړے هم نس پورے تړلے شمہ
O' Dear Lord, I agree with everything you command!
I'll even gladly tie stones to my tummy to kill this hunger
خو چہ بل ښامار پہ خزانو اووینم
اخر انسان یم څنګہ غلے شمہ
But when I look at the snakes on our treasuries
After all, I am a human - how can You expect me to be voiceless?
راډک شو زړہ ایسارولے نہ شم
خوله ماتہ ښہ ده خو ګنډلے نہ شم
I have so much to say I can't control my heart
I can get my mouth broken but will not have it sown
ستا د جنت پہ طمع طمع چہ مری
د هغہ اوږو پہ سلګو م قسم
I swear on the last breaths of those hungry fellows
Who die longing for Your paradise
پہ د دوزخ کښے اے نور نہ شم لیدے
ستا د رضوان پہ منارو م قسم
I can't watch them any more in this hell
I swear on the minarets of Your paradise
یا خو د زمکے پہ دے ارته سینہ
ماتہ خپل ژوند، ځما جنت راکړه
Either on the vast chest of this earth
Give me my life, my paradise
یا د نهر دوزخی مرګ نہ مخکښے
د یوے چغے اجازت راکړه
Or before dying for hell with my empty-stomach
Permit me to send You my complaints just once
چہ دا ستا اوږی ستا پہ خوان ماړه کړم
یا پہ خپل ځان باندے کارغان ماړه کړم
So that I can either feed Your hungry beings with Your bounties
Or let the crows feast on my own flesh

Source: (I've edited the translation a little bit)


  1. Thank you for sharing :) right from the heart.

  2. da poet description neshta?

  3. Thankyou for giving the source link. The Url for my blog has changed now.. its now..

  4. Wow. Best Ever. Well done.

  5. with tears in my eyes i challenge those who say pukhto is not for sublime thoughts

  6. The poet name is Ajmal khatak baba

  7. A superb poem of Ajmal khattak baba.... One of my favorite....

  8. Thnkew Soo Much For This Translation 💚💚💚💚


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