Oman Journals

Monday, August 8, 2011

Da Husan Muqabla: Ta Pekhawrai Ye Za Swatai Yam!

haha. So this was the most commonly played song in Swat this summer (it prolly still is!), and I love it to death! (Another popular song there was "Qarara Rasha," which I'll post another time.) I'm posting the transliteration/lyrics of the song here with the music video but without translation for now. I'll write the translation when I get a moment later on, ka khairee. For now, enjoy this! I personally think the Swatai girl wins :p ... and I don't think I'm saying this just 'cause I'm from Swat, haha.... but, no, really. 

(Pekhawrai janai):
Za Pekhawrai yam ta Swatai ye
Maa ta da Swat da Bandai ma krra sifatuna

(Swatai janai):
Sta Pekhawar maa ta malum dey
Zrra dubawi tange kusey waara koruna

Taa Pekhawar ledaley na dey
Da Andar Sher da bazaar nishta misaluna

Taa da Kalam num auredaley
Che da London na angrezan warta razi na

Rasha che her darna Kalam krram
Pa Khyber Bazar ke darkam chakaruna

Tol khaistuna ba de her shi
Che da Kalam da dango ghro ukre seluna

Wraka me da makhe sha, zama da jawab na ye ta
Makhke zama sa ye ta, makhke zama sa ye ta!

Makha ke walara di pa sha laka da ghar yam,
Sar dapasa sar yama, sar dapasa sar yama!

Ban ma de jora pa rikhtya sham
Ka de zama pa Janan wachawal lasuna

Maa ta khkarigi lewanai shwe
Janan zama dey us ka sta nazar warzina

Ta da de raaza sa khabar ye
Da wafa maa sara ye kari di lauzuna

Shisha ke khpal makh ta ugora
Pagal kho na dey che ba sta mina kawina!

Zama pa naaz ada mayan dey
Zaka ye za pa taal da zalfu zangawama

Pa taa qamaqle sa ashiq dey
Ashiq pa ma dey rapase zaan marr kawina

Za yam kalajai (college) jinai, da har cha beparwa yama
Khwakha da har cha yama, khwakha da har cha yama

Za yam lewanai jinai, khayas ke mashahura yam,
Za da janat hura yam, za da janat hura yam

Za ba ye deedan pa ta haram krram
Nan ba te sta pa haqla wukram taposuna

Tapos ba dwanra preda wakru
Che janan ta akhli ka maa akhli pa meena

Rasha che dwanra warla warshu
Pata ba walagi che sok janan gateena

Da Najib dwanra yu qabuli
Us guzara ba dwanra khpalo ke kawuna

Khayas pa maa bande tamam dey
Khwdey paida kari za da gulo lakhta yama

Sta khayas ba sa khayas wee
Khaista kho za yam che guluna sharmawama

Wraka me da makhe sha, zama da jawab na ye ta
Makhke zama sa ye ta, makhke zama sa ye ta!

Makha ke walara di pa sha laka da ghar yam,
Sar dapasa sar yama, sar dapasa sar yama!

Za pa khaistawo ke khaista yam
Har yao ashiq rabande zaan qurbanawina

Ashiqan maa na tol zaarigi
Laka da gul pa shaan khaista zwani larama

Zama da husan jawab nishta
Da chin machin da khapero malgari yama

Da khapero ba husan sa wee
Spina spogmai yama ranra me makh kawina

Qamaqle sta ba sa khayas wee
Naz aw ada zama woruna lagawina

Dumra ghurur nadane ma krra
Pa khkwali husan baande ma kawa nazuna

Raza che warshu cha shayar la
Che faisala wakrri zama au sta pa meena

Za che Naukhar ta warla laar shu
Da Parwana Najib ba ukru taposuna

Za yam kalajai (college) jinai, da har cha beparwa yama
Khwakha da har cha yama, khwakha da har cha yama

Za yam lewanai jinai, khayas ke mashahura yam,
Za da janat hura yam, za da janat hura yam

Za lewanai da muhabat yam
Pa muhabat baande ba zaan qurbanawama

Da toro stargo khkaar kawama
Da toro stargo ishare maa la razina

Za da hek cha na na yaregam
Za pa khkaara da muhabat nare wahama

Pa dandasa me shunde sre di
Starge me tore pa ranjo di khwand kawina

Za parwadara da cha na yam
Ka parwadara yam da khpal janan ba yama

Hase me dwanra starge sre di
Khalko ta wayama che za da khoba yama

Giley zama na di sok na krrai
Jwandun zama dey che ye sanga terawama

Najiba khatme di misrey krra
Dere misrey da khalko zrruna ghwasawina

Wraka me da makhe sha, zama da jawab na ye ta
Makhke zama sa ye ta, makhke zama sa ye ta!

Makha ke walara di pa sha laka da ghar yam,
Sar dapasa sar yama, sar dapasa sar yama!


  1. (Pekhawrai):
    Zama pa naaz ada mayan dey
    Zaka ye za pa taat da zalfu tangawuma (what?)

    Read it as: Zaka ye za pa TAAL (swing) da zalfu ZANGAWUMA.

    It's a nice song and my wife also loves it a lot. She thinks that the Swati girl is prettier and her voice and selection of Tappey (landai) makes her better and more successful than the Pekhawarai jenai. Haha!

  2. LOL. Hello, Anonymous, and thanks for dropping by and commenting :) Thanks especially for the correct version of that line I totally didn't get!

    I agree with your wife! The Swati girl wins on all sides. Perhaps Najib (the poet?) is a Swati, hahaha ... or just a huge fan of us Swati women ;)

    Also, the Pekhawrai one appears and acts more immature, whereas the Swatai one is more disciplined and mature. No?

  3. Also, hey, I have a question. So, as you can tell, I'm crazy about this song. But I don't get it near the end.

    Why does the Swatai one say, "Hase me dwanra starge sre di /Khalko ta wayama che za da khoba yama"? Does she miss her beloved and cries longing for him? Or is that, ultimately, she loses her guy to the Pekhwarai jinai?

    And why does she (the Swatai) say: "Najiba khatme di misrey krra / Dere misrey da khalko zrruna ghwasawina"? Wait, do I even have the lyrics correctly? If so, what does "misrey" mean?

    And, and, and she also tells the Pekhawarai one at one point, "Dumra ghurur nadane ma krra / Pa khkwali husan baande ma kawa nazuna." But why?! All this time, she was saying she's more beautiful, and then all of a sudden, she admits that the Pekhawarai one has khayas :p Waley? Lesh? Limadha? Why? Kyun? etc., etc.

    I also have a theory. I'm thinking that this janan/beloved in the song represents not a human but the regions of Swat/Pekhawar, with each girl saying, "No, mine's better, and it's mine only," while the other says, "No, it's mine, and only mine can be this precious, this beautiful. So don't try to share it with me!" You get what I mean?

  4. Serenity: Tappey or Misrey (called Landai in Afghanistan) are traditional oral folk poems having a single idea linked to a visual image. They are sung in a contest, in which male performers compete for breadth of repertoire and ability to link the verses by subject or key word. Most of the time when we listen to or read Tappa it seems that it is of woman genre. What I think is that mostly Tappa has not been written by anyone or composed by anyone, it has created itself ...
    Tappa are those national couplets in Pashto whose authors are unkown. They can, therefore, be called mirrors which reflect the sentiments and passions of every sensitive pashtoon man and woman :)
    These couplets, composed of plain, easily understood, yet fluent language, are totally free of the influence of foreign, languages.
    Another outstanding quality of these couplets in that contrary to the general pattern of poetry in most (Tappa) the woman address the man. This is so because compared to the male the sentiments of the female are more tender, her sorrow more profound and her voice more sweeter, and that is why the (Tappa) are more moving in their effects, and the enjoyment is proportionately greater than that found in conventional pushto poetry.
    Similarly every (Tappa) couplet can be recited in different ways on different occasions. To be more explicit, a Tappa couplet can be sung in different tunes and with different musical notes in combat and rejoicing, while travelling, whether inactive or dancing, in travail and happiness, in fact at all times and on all occasions.
    After this brief explanation of the Tappa/Misra/Landai, when the Swatai jenai says, "Hase me dwanra starge sre di/Khalko ta wayama che za da khoba yama" she knows that she is a Pashtana peghla where she is not supposed to reveal her sentiments but at the same time she is profoundly in love and cries longing for her beloved, however, not to loose her respect and dignity, she conceals the real reason of her sre stargey and attributes it to Khob and becomes a scheming girl. Hahaha
    There is slight aberration "Dumra ghoror pa husn makra...and can be attributed to the weakness of the poet. This tappa ought to have been sung by the Swatai jenai.

  5. Thank you, Anonymous, for that beautiful explanation! I appreciate your taking time to do that for us ignorants! :) I had no idea what misrey was, though I did know a wee bit about tapey. Shukran, shukran!

    About the Swatai girl saying that she tells people she's just woken up and that's why her eyes are red - no, I got that part. I mean, I got why she was saying that and what it meant, but what I don't get is that ... all this time, she's been talking about how great her beloved/janan is and how much in love she is with him. And since she is in competition with the Pekhwarai girl, one wouldn't expect her to reveal her weakness of having expressed her sentiments ;) Ahhh, but now it makes muuuch more sense why the Pekhawrai one says, "Za da hek cha na na yaregam, pa khkara da muhabat naarey wahama!" hahaha! That makes the Swatai one only more Pashtana :p I kid, I kid.

    So I think I agree with you that that "Dumra ghurur pa husan ma krra" should've been sung by the Pekhawrai jinai (you said Swatai by mistake, I assume?).

    Thanks again and again for this lovely discussion! I am enjoying it thoroughly and learning a lot. God reward you for enlightening us!

  6. I Loveeeeeeeeee this songg :) Eventhough I'm neither lol magar za da Swatiyanu aw Peshawriyanu sara mina laram :)

  7. Welcome to my blog, Sara! :) Thank you so much for visiting me!

    You're from Afghanistan?

  8. You welcome sis :) and yup I'm from Afghansitan! :)


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