Oman Journals

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Heart Bleeds Pashto

I have escaped impassable mountains of tyranny
I have crossed vast seas of forced silence
And I am home!
My mountains have risen to welcome me
My rivers have shed tears of joy
My land and I have become one again!
I have reached my people!
And my heart,
The heart that bleeds Pashto,
The heart that blushes at the mention of Ghani,
Has conquered death!
I am serenity.

After a century in exile,
I have come back to my people, never to leave again
Do you not see
Abdali’s wounds are healed!
Nazo’s pen sheds ink again!
Friends and foes have met love
And Khushal has put aside his sword
The gudar has been resurrected,
Never to be dried again
And my heart,
The heart that bleeds Pashto,
The heart that once ached with terror,
Is free of pain!
I am home!

We are eternity
Pir Rokhan’s torch has been lit again!
Takkar’s melodies are hummed again by the young and the old!
All streets ring with Badshah Khan’s spirit
Ghani’s Beloved Lord has heard our prayers!
Loss no longer exists
My land has again become a paradise
Singing is now a mark of gratitude to God
And my heart,
The heart that bleeds Pashto,
The heart that sings Ghani’s verses in delight,
Is home again!

Malalai’s smile is now seen on every daughter’s lips!
Rahman Baba can now rest in peace
And my heart,
The heart that bleeds Pashto,
The heart once told not to dream,
Now lies in my beloved’s arms
I have finally reached home
To my beloved’s eternal embrace,
To the land of warriors and thinkers,
The champions of freedom and reason
I am home at last!

- Me, Feb. 2nd 2011


  1. Beautiful lines deary!
    they caused an unease in the pit of my stomach!

  2. Awww, thanks, SEPO! Sorry about the unease :P lol!
    Gosh, how I DREAM of going to Swat!!!!

  3. i hope you get to go soon, deary!

  4. OMG!!Very, very, very, very,....overwhelming!! =)I am just so much in love with it right now and I am reading it like a parrot (the cute one though :P )! Sama taqraa jinay ye (Yeah, not something new,lolz).Loved, loved, loved it! :D
    Every line exudes optimism and hope-Where is this heaven?~sighs~
    In case you are wondering who the hell is stalking your blog, it's me-Gulalai ;)

  5. LOL, Gulalai!
    Welcome, welcome - pa dwanro stargo pa khairuno!! ~hugs~

    Loya khaza she for commenting! (LOL.)
    I've been suffering from this unbearable longing for Swat, and this is what I imagine feeling like when I step foot on my land again, ka khairee. I'll finally get to go in a year! Yay!!! I'm literally counting days now.

    Thanks for the sweet comment, jaan! Glad you deemed it worthy of a read! hee hee.

  6. Pa rishthiya?? that's awesome malgaray!Certainly,Swat is the only heaven on earth.Actually the only heaven that I know so far....!!!!LOL
    Thanks for the warm welcome (felt the warmth especially in this cold weather,hahaha xD).
    I breathed some "oxygen" here and I must thank you for that *hugs* :)

    More laterz gatorz...

  7. fucking brilliant!!!! it very clearly expresses your love for your people!

  8. Oh, how wonderful.
    So, you speak Pashto?
    I don't know any Pashto, but I am sure there are a few words the two have in common.
    khoda hafez :)

  9. Salaaaaaaaaaamm, dear Ashayt! (I love your nick selection, haha! Precious!)

    Welcome to my blog, and thanks for commenting!

    Yep, I speak Pashto. Which language(s) do you speak? If Urdu or Persian is one of them, then, yes - there are lotsa words these languages have in common! :D

  10. when ever I read in a poem; Wisdom and Emotion(feelings) through simple public(olasi) words and language, i feel so HEAVY and WEIGHTY how to start with ,what to start with...and you must stamp me that my poor fingers are conditionally obeying to my brain and thoughts...and, in such a heavy and weighty feelings, fingers can type only ''Gaday Waday'' like...

    This poem is The ‘'chain reaction’' after the poem of liberty, where you conquered ALL..I can smell and sense the eternal delicate fragrance of that poem here at some points…But, here, your serenity, eternity, is more how public(olasi) than private…you referred history,knowledge,wisedom,poetry,melody,and above all, the Prophet of Pukhtoon ‘ Bacha Khan, baba e Azam….The start,mid and end PRODUCT of this poem is a Hope and Dream, that will realize realize and materialize one day, after current bloody transition…Though, at the moment, ground reality of pakhtoon land is bleeding, but the main duty of poets must be; to give hope in ‘terror fear’ surrounding….Nazo,da sta KAMAL day che pa sada English rhythm ke dere jawary au pur-hikmata khabarey kay..and especially these simple verses contain ‘kawaki’ and ‘pure Pashto feelings’ in English poetry…This I found always very very UNIQUE in your poetry …
    ThumbSs UPp malgaray..

    You know your poetic style and expression is just like Ghani khan- thoughts and imaginations go side by side in different but same directions spontaneously with simple language and terminology and ultimately rests in serenity with vision;’this is the ultimate point where ‘’worried by nothing’ rules…Your pen is so splendid, dear chap
    you are TOTALLY a ‘’Jamaliyati aesthetics there lies big Truths…..

    And to bring out ‘faults’ in such spontaneous thoughts and rydhm’according to Ghani khan ‘is just breaking-remaking, editing,the words which strongly hurt the ‘essence’ of poetry many time…Some time we should not edit thoughts and words when we sense some Great public message in it…..bala da che sta shairy ‘pakha’ da ,mature da,and I am not able to find some faults in it till the moment…….. :-D
    Bala d mentioned Ghani khan 3time ,I think, and this show your full admiration and inspiration from him.I usually keep ‘ da Ghani Kulyaat’ as my bed room book, besides Koran…Since childhood Ghani khan is with me,inside me..and YES he conquered Death in following couplets..

    ‘marg ke rakhkaara rata jwandoon yau jawidaan sho
    za warpore khandam,dunia ta wrta jaregey…..

    ‘ marg pata nikah da, da makan da la-makan sara
    marg yawa neta da che Janan okra Janan sara.
    marg loya neki da,che ta okra da insan sara.

    (poya shwe pe guley?????)

    pa dwana lasa salamuna:)

  11. ~gulp~ Wah, wah! Daa kho mazey dee! You know, Nawaz Gwala, every time I write a poem now, I wonder what you'd think of it and how you'd interpret it, what with your impressive understanding of verbalized thoughts! God preserve you!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. You have transformed feelings of optimism nicely into words. The political, cultural and poetic [aesthetic] aspects are the dimensions one can see in these lines. The political is the most important which talks about the return to Pakhtuns to their homeland - the paradise lost- after migrating from it as a result of its political and military invasion by no alien forces but one's own country men in majority desirous of exploiting its resources. Pakhtuns have been subjected to slavery of the majority with the creation of Pakistan after striving against the British raj in the leadership of leaders like Bacha Khan and Khan Shaheed- Samad Khan Achakzai. Although Pakistan was supposed to be an emancipation and freedom for Pakhtuns but it turned out to be another prison having brown masters instead of white. To me this poem depicts a scenario when Pakhtuns will be politically free and living in their homeland ruled by them and governed by the principles of Pakhtunwali [which encapsulates virtues like Peace, Respect and Progress] as the hallmarks of their state. The poem also envisions the scenario when Pakhtuns from across the nook and corner of the world would start returning to their homeland singing your poem in essence. Keep distributing these dreams of freedom and bright future among your fellow Pakhtuns to keep their love for real freedom alive in spirit.


Dare to opine :)