Oman Journals

Monday, January 31, 2011

Muslim Women's Online Discussions

I've had some very interesting experiences in the virtual world. I was recently informed about Anna Piela's book Muslim Women Online: Faith and Identity in the Virtual World, currently seeking articles/chapters and scheduled for publication in November 2011. Quoting the author herself:

The book Muslim Women Online: Faith and Identity in the Virtual World is my monograph and is scheduled to come out in November 2011 (listed at Muslim Women's Digital Geographies is a more recent project - an edited collection of chapters, hopefully to come out at the end of 2010. You can find information about this project, as well as a provisional table of contents, here:

Below is some information about the book and the author. Good luck to all those who decide to go for it! For the call for papers, please click here.

The deadline for proposal submission is March 31st 2011.

To read about the monograph, you may click here


  1. I'm confused—that's not a call for papers for an edited collection, but a description of her own monograph.

  2. Oh yeah, lemme put up the announcement as well. Sorry!

    Here, just in case:

  3. Hello,
    This is actually Anna Piela here, to clarify the matter :) The book Muslim Women Online: Faith and Identity in the Virtual World is my monograph and is scheduled to come out in November 2011 (listed at Muslim Women's Digital Geographies is a more recent project - an edited collection of chapters, hopefully to come out at the end of 2010. You can find information about this project, as well as a provisional table of contents, here: Hope this helps.

  4. ps. and 'Muslim Women's Online Discussion' is the title of my PhD research/ thesis.

  5. Dear Ana, welcome to my blog, and thank you for clarifying the matter! I'll go ahead and edit my post :)

  6. Oh, and regarding the title "Muslim Women's Online Discussion," I used it for this blog post
    'cause I think it's a very interesting and catchy one. You chose the perfect title for your PhD thesis!

  7. Thanks, Serenity. I will follow your blog because it reads so well and all the topics you discuss are very interesting. Well done!


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