Oman Journals

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Misunderstood Role of the Hijab

 So, a conversation with a great teacher the other day made me realize something that I'd always known and believed but hadn't really thought about: when you wear a hijab, you're expected to be ... abnormal. Allow me to elaborate.

You see, a hijabi girl is not allowed to smoke, drink, talk to non-related males; she must walk properly, dress properly, and be perfect and "modest" (whatever this term means) in every other way. But why? Why does she have to be burdened with all of this? Meaning, if she's gonna do these things without the hijab on, why can't she do them WITH the hijab on, too? People often say, "What's worse is when a HIJABI smokes -- or wears tight jeans or hugs males or laughs loudly in public," etc. But why can't she do this? Why deny her these things just because her hair is covered? And why're we even assuming that she's wearing the hijab out of choice? Why are we ever SHOCKED when we see a hijabi girl holding a boy's hand (a boy who's not her husband)? If you smoke, why should you be forbidden from doing it just because you wear the hijab, for example? Or if you hold your partner's hand in public, why should you be forbidden from holding it in public just because you wear the hijab? Of  course, like everything else, this can be viewed in different ways, both negative and positive. One way could be that when you wear the hijab, you start to represent not only Islam but all Muslims. Hence, you MUST be behave in a way that the ideal Muslim would behave -- or else. Another way could be that wearing the hijab, deemed a symbol of modesty and virtue, means that you are striving to become a better Muslim, which means that you must avoid everything that you're expected to avoid. As a result, since smoking is not something that "good girls" do, hijabi girls, who are normally seen as "good girls," shouldn't smoke. If you don't wear the hijab, however, then you may do so, since you don't have to worry about carrying the burden of representing an entire faith and over a billion people worldwide.

Still, though, why all these expectations with one choice? I mean, it's not even like all females who wear the hijab do so out of choice. Why should they, too, have to do everything they're expected to do just because they cover their hair?

So what I now wonder is . . . why can't you wear the hijab and be "normal" at the same time? In other words, if, for a hijabi woman, doing something without the hijab is normal or something that she would do if she were NOT wearing the hijab, why does it have to become abnormal or unacceptable with the hijab on?

P.S. I imagine folks twisting my words and going around saying, "Qrratugai thinks that hijabi women should drink and smoke, wear indecent clothing, talk indecently, do everything indecent" and so on. hah. Oh believe me - such folks exist!


  1. And normal must entail doing forbidden actions in Islam? :) We can make good things the norm too, kana?

  2. Nope. Being normal with the hijab means wearing the hijab WHILE doing what you'd do without it, especially if you're wearing the hijab out of compulsion. If you smoke, why should you be forbidden from doing it just because you wear the hijab, for example? Or if you hold your partner's hand in public, why should you be forbidden from holding it in public just because you wear the hijab?

  3. Yes, certainly there's the 'great expectation' of being a perfect Muslimah if you wear a hijab.
    At the same time, not doing all the smoking, drinking, and following the basic rules of Islam is VERY normal for most of us. SO the derinition of 'normal' becomes very personal here.
    It's just that it gets unbelievable when people start expecting you to behave a certain way, rather than leave it up to you (i.e. what is normal for you and what's not.)
    Other interesting points this brings up, BTW:
    1. No one seems to mind much if Muslim bhai log with their long beards and perfectly raised shalwars are smoking. Hah!
    2. Where, oh, where in Islam does it say that whereas it is makrooh/frowned upon for men to smoke, it is definitely not allowed for wimmin? Gender biases are all extra-religious. In fact, most problems with religion today are. :)

    *Insert male dominance rant*

  4. LOL. I love, love, LOVE your sense of humor, LongBlackVeil! :D

    I completely agree - what in Islam says a woman can't smoke, with or without the hijab? And that's another point I wanted to make: Where in Islam does it say that WITH the hijab, you can't do any of what is normally considered bad for women to do? Sammo Jaan above said, "normal entails doing forbidden actions in Islam?" But, see, who said that the things that women aren't allowed to do WITH the hijab are haraam indeed?

    Of course, talking about this inevitably leads me to bring up the whole notion of authority in Islam (the topic of my current research), and most of the time, the average Muslim just leaves it to the imaam or her/his favorite scholar. But then again, what constitutes scholarship?

    k, these are questions no one has answers to or the answers vary from person to person, but hopefully you get the point! :)

    Thanks to both of your for your comments! They're deeply appreciated, lovelies!

  5. Well Islam is a oomplete religion. If you pray 5 times a day it doesn't give you the opportunity to say i have done enough or to leave the rest of Islam. Some people may be good at the prayer part of Islam but may neglect the aspects of justice and hygiene for example.

    If a person has a beard it does in no way mean he can do what he wants, but with the beard he has completed his faith.

    If smoking is bad, then it is bad whether you wear the hijab or not. That is not a related issue. We cannot make our own religion and start to follow our whims or desires. Allah doesn't need us to worship him!

    A human shouldn't smoke because it is bad for the health. I would give this advice to everybody and all people should be burdened to know the ill effects of it

  6. Hi there, HK!

    Thank you very much for dropping by and commenting! :) I really appreciate it!

    I absolute agree - doing one "bad" thing doens't mean you go ahead and do another, and smoking is bad for the health so everyone should avoid it, whether they wear the hijab or not.

    Thanks again!

  7. Salam to all!

    I think if the Ahnaaf say its makrooh to smoke that should mean for men and women ALIKE. If the Hanabila say its haraam - its haraam for both. The Muslim bhai log longblackveiled spotted might well be Hanafis - and I expect them to be happy if their sisters smoked.

    I dont understand why people link everything to yummy words like 'gender-bias' everywhere (anti-peristaltic for me, though!).

    @Qrr: Before all your LOLs and LOVEs, at least you should have corrected her khori! Dont you know why your practising uncles and cousins have no problems with Naswaar back home!?!

    Ao btw, hijab/niqab sara di beekhi na lagi! ;;)

    Keep it straight and simple sisters.. Ramadan Kareem!

  8. :|
    Dear QQ, I LOVE your LOLs. Just saying. Salaam alaikum all!

  9. ~blushes~ My LOLs? :D (speaking of loving stuff, I love your grammar! I'm a grammar freak, you see :S And not all people's grammar impresses me. Yours does :D)

    Wa alaikumus salaam!

  10. When you are a passenger in a car you can look where ever you wish, when you are a driver you can't. Drivers are responsible for his/her passengers, he is the representative.

    When you have beard or wear hijab you represent Islam, people won't say oh the girl smoked, or snogged, they will say a hypocrite muslim did it.

    Not your fault but world is still very much ignorant.

    Jo sakh

  11. That's because I am an editor person by profession, or at least use to be. :) Anal about grammar also. Nothing kills my mood like a "your" for "you're", "it's" for "its", or "they're" for "their". Aaaargh.
    Must. Not. Think. About. It.
    Salaam, QQ.

  12. i am a muslim i have not always wore hijaab i smoke and have made plenty mistake astaghfirullah, i want to sort myself out and have started praying and wearing hijaab, i love Allah and the prophet pbuh but im trying to stop smoking i find it very hard but inshallah will stop and perfect myself. so am i a hypocrit hijaaban

    1. You're not a hypocrite, you're human! If you were a hypocrite you would pretend that you never do anything wrong. And by "wrong" I mean other people's ideas of what is wrong. We are not meant to burden ourselves with thoughts of how sinful we are. We ask for forgiveness and move on. Allah knows that we're human.

    2. Anonymous! Welcome to my blog! Thank you so much for dropping by and sharing your experience with us.

      I agree with Ellen - I wouldn't call you a hypocrite hijaaban at all. If you really believe you're being a hypocrite, then I would definitely suggest that you keep working to quit smoking (not just for your health but also to stop feeling like a hypocrite). And you have all our support! God be with you in your efforts to be a better person!

  13. I think people have started using the word "hijab" to simply speak about the scarf that covers hair, however, "hijab" refers to everything a Muslim wears and how they act.

  14. Representing Hijjab on this way is very bad. When a women wear a Hijabb she should obey all the rules of Islam and smoking is not allowed in Islam, even who is men or women and also she wearing Hijjab or not, smoking and all drugs is Haram and not allowed. HARAAM is what Allah (SWT) and His Prophet (S.A.W) have forbidden. Therefore smoking should be banned in all Islamic countries.

    1. Hiiii, Live Quran! Welcome to my blog! Thank you very much for your comment.

      Hmm... does God, or the Prophet of God, really say smoking is haraam? I'd love to see a Quranic verse, or at least a hadith, that says smoking is haraam. I look forward to the citation!

      And should a Muslim woman not obey all the rules of Islam if she's not wearing the hijab? Why specifically or necessarily or definitely when she's wearing the headscarf?

    2. There is hadith which say that"Any things which is harmful to your health must not be taken" and whoever is harming his/her self is a SIN.

      hope you got it :)

  15. Yeah, the entire reason I've not put on hijab is because I'm a smoker. Even when I do wear it, it won't be the arab/traditional way because I know Muslims will look at me like I'm disgracing my religion, even though Muslim MEN can stand around smoking and still be devout.

  16. Found your blog (somehow). I know that this is an old post, but what you talk about is most of what has led me to breaking point.

    I live in Australia. I wear hijab and have for 5 yrs. Now, in public I am expected to be happy and kind all of the time because I am a walking, talkign example of Islam. And i HATE that. But you know, somehow, I am always smiley and pleasent even when I want to scream and shout. Because I get dirty looks as it is, before I even open my mouth.

    But this expectation of hijabi's, like we are some special race, is what is leading me to take off the hijab. Actually, I have decided to take it off, but I am having lots of problems there (started a blog about these issues!!).

    And you know what's funny? The people who judge hijabi's are not so 'perfect' themselves, but they can do what they want because their heads are uncovered and no one knows their Muslim!!


  17. I'm way late on this, but can I just say that smoking among muhajibat is very common in Lebanon and Iran, as well as parts of Russia? No one even looks at us strange(yes, I'm one of the smokers), unless they're foreigners from the Gulf or South Asia, so I think it's rather dependent on culture.
    So far as holding women who cover to a higher standard, that's pretty much rampant, but I think women in general are held to stricter standards of behavior and more readily labeled "deviant" than are men, even men with long beards and short pants.

    1. Hi, Amatullah! Thank you so, so much for dropping by, and, no, you're not late at all :) I appreciate it when people comment on older posts!

      You're right about the smoking part and how it's a matter of which culture you're from. When I was in Jordan this year, I learned that over 70% of Jordanian women smoke--almost all of them with hijabs on as well--and that was a shock to me as a South Asian, but it was totally normal there. It's also true that women are just held to more stricter standards than men, and that stinks with hypocrisy and double standards!

      Thanks again for your comment :)

  18. Where did you get the "70% of women in Jordan smoke" statistic? That seems extremely high.


  19. Salaam, Anisah! Welcome to my blog, and thank you so much for your comment! :)

    That's considered common knowledge in Jordan ;) In fact, I'd say it's more than 75%, even. But one of our Arabic dialect teachers told us that's the case. The point was basically that almost every other female you come across in Jordan smokes, and so they clearly have different ideas of what the role of the hijab for a woman is as compared to many other Muslim countries, particularly South Asian ones.

    Thanks again for dropping by!

  20. Zufash, "common knowledge" is not proof. It's like "everybody knows". Any real cites?


  21. Welcome back, Anisah!
    So, why is "common knowledge" coming from the people within a community not proof? Who decides what's proof and what's not? :) It IS precisely "everybody knows." Perhaps we can talk about what the flaw with this is?

  22. deciding to become a hijabi is a huge and important step in life that you take . and if you become a hijabi to protect yourself and truly understand the meaning of Islam , i can promise you that you yourself wouldn't even want to smoke drink or any of that. and to answer your question "Why should they, too, have to do everything they're expected to do just because they cover their hair? " you see hijab isn't just covering the hair its the hole point of modesty ,and respect towards yourself. for example , if you had just bought the most expensive cell phone in the hole world , that u did not achieve easily and worked hard to get , you would buy it a cover to protect it ,and this is like islam and women , in islam women are faaaaaar more precious than any amount of money. in Islam women are the most precious and valuable . but as you see alot of girls these days unfoutunatley don't realize how valuable they are and dress to get attention from men and to be noticed . do you think men who are attracted to girls ONLY for looks and advantage are worth it and respectful? NO. when your modest and respect yourself people who are respectful and are worth it respect you . who you are and show that you are and what you do , the way you talk , the way you act and treat yourself and others is what determines the people who will be attracted to you . if you respect yourself respectful people will be attracted to you. and looking at how valuable islam knows women as , would it be logical for us to be allowed to date? so if you had the most valuable thing in the world , would you just go and lend it to some one you know will break it one day and leave it when they are done taking advantage? NO. you want to give it to someone who will take care of it and respect it .

  23. Hello, Anonymous!
    Thank you so much for dropping by and providing your input! Very much appreciated!

    Well, I actually don't think it's a "big and important" step at all. I think we need to stop viewing it as such because that's where the burden of representing an entire religion from an extremely burdensome and generalized perspective comes in. Each individual should be trying to practice Islam to the best of her/his ability and understanding without expecting others to do the same.

    I understand the general significance of hijab - and I respect it. However, I reject the idea that a woman who chooses to cover her head should also be burdened with being a "good" Muslimah, whatever that means.

    QUOTE: "do you think men who are attracted to girls ONLY for looks and advantage are worth it and respectful? NO."
    No, of course not. But what do men have to do with a woman's hijab? Are you suggesting, like many others do, that a woman should cover her head in order to get a man's respect? If yes, I disagree with this, too. Why does she have to cover her hair for that? Can a man not respect her with her hair showing?

    QUOTE: "when your modest and respect yourself people who are respectful and are worth it respect you ."

    I absolutely agree - self-respect is extremely important. But can a woman not respect herself by means other than the hijab/head-covering? If a woman chooses not to cover her head, is she not respecting herself? Let us understand and admit to the fact that there are more than one way for a woman to respect herself, and the headcovering isn't all. I agree with you that "who you are and show that you are and what you do , the way you talk , the way you act and treat yourself and others is what determines the people who will be attracted to you ." But this has nothing to do with the head covering, and I'm interested more in the significance of the head covering than in anything else).

    QUOTE: "and looking at how valuable islam knows women as , would it be logical for us to be allowed to date?"

    here are at least three things wrong or at least confusing with this point/question.
    1. Are you implying that Islam does not see men as valuable as it does women? If yes, why not? What is so special about women that they are seen as more valuable than men?
    2. That depends on how you define "dating," doesn't it?
    3. Let's say women are not allowed to "date," whatever dating means. Are men allowed to date? If not, what did you really mean by that comment of yours?

    QUOTE: "so if you had the most valuable thing in the world , would you just go and lend it to some one you know will break it one day and leave it when they are done taking advantage? NO. "

    No, of course not. But what exactly is this "valuable" thing that you're speaking of, though? I'm not understanding. If it's something that Muslim women have, do Muslim men not have it? Do other (non-Muslims) not have it, either?

    By the way, what is the equivalent of the hijb for men? When a woman doesn't cover her head, you can't tell if she's a "good" Muslimah or not; what hints can a Muslim guy give to show that he's a "good" Muslim?

    Thanks again for your comment! I look forward to reading more from you around!

  24. It depends mostly on the purpose of wearing a hijab. If the reason is cultural or religious then many other things are also stopped. As hijab is worn due to compulsion forced by the religion or the culture which also not allow a woman smoking, wearing un-cultural dress etc. However, if a woman wear hijab as a dress without any external pressure, then the same woman can smoke, and doing everything she likes the way she likes to wear the hijab.

    1. Thanks for your comment, KB! "As hijab is worn due to compulsion forced by the religion or the culture which also not allow a woman smoking, wearing un-cultural dress etc."
      Well, it's not necessarily always a compulsion, right? I mean, there are certainly many cases of women who do wear it out of pressure or compulsion, but I wouldn't think it's all. And not all cultures disallow women smoking, as others have pointed out (as I've said here or maybe in another blog post, it's quite common for women in Jordan to be wearing the hijab and carrying a cigarette around; they do it all the time, though it's obviously not ALL of the Jordanian women).

      But, yes, I agree that women should be given the choice to wear what they deem best for themselves and smoke or not smoke if they'd like, just like men usually are.

  25. I started wearing hijab because I was proud to be identified as a Muslim. I never even thought about the assumption that I must be a perfect role model. I only smoke at home, not because of my hijab but because that's one way I limit my smoking. I've bought beer for my husband at the grocery and then thought afterward, maybe I shouldn't have. (He's not Muslim--which is a whole other issue.) But then I shrug and think, it would be hypocritical if I refused to buy his beer but didn't mind that he drinks it.

    Another point: shouldn't we always be trying to set a good example and help others even when/if we don't wear hijab? Hijabis who are mean and small-minded and judgmental are a problem, but so are non-hijabis who think, "I can get away with this because I'm not wearing hijab."

  26. Hi there, Ellen!
    Thank you so much for your comment and useful insight!

    I wear the hijab whenever I feel like it and don't wear it whenever I don't feel like it. I find nothing wrong with this, contrary to the assumptions and judgments of most of the Muslims around me. I get asked every time, "What? What's up with this! Make up your mind, girl!" And I'm like, "What do you mean? My mind is made up." It's not a major decision for me. And when I wear it, I do different styles almost every time -- sometimes, not a strand of hair will show; other times, just the head is covered and I don't mind if any strands show. Most times, it's a very "hot" hijab that I ensure matches my outfit and clothes and is sometimes transparent and I love it that way.

    Basically, I wear the hijab not because I think it makes me more modest but because there are times (not always and not often) when I feel like I want to be easily recognized as a Muslim. So I do it for identity in those cases. Other times (and these are more common), I do it because I want to *feel* pious, which I unfortunately can't feel otherwise! I'll write a blog post on this when I get a chance 'cause I imagine this raises a lot of questions in my readers' minds.

    Anyway, I agree with you that we should all be trying to set good examples (for our own selves before for anyone else) and that just because one's not wearing a hijab doesn't mean she shouldn't avoid doing things that she considers haraam/bad/inappropriate. I did not at all mean that :) What I meant was that we, the outsiders, the observes (whether we wear the hijab ourselves or not, whether men or women) tend to lose respect for a hijabi woman if we find her doing things that we consider haraam BUT if a non-hijabi woman does it, we don't find it problematic! It's as if us saying, "Well, you don't cover your head, so it's not like you're a good Muslim or a good person anyway, so it makes perfect sense that you'd hold a guy's hand in public or would smoke or would drink or would date," but if that same girl is wearing the hijab, everything changes! Our expectations of her change completely. She becomes the model of what the "perfect Muslim woman" is like, and the moment she deviates from that narrow circle of perfection that we've enclosed her in, she becomes a hypocrite! Why?

    I consider myself to be full of sins and faults, and while I do offer advise and suggestions for betterment or for avoiding "un-Islamic" things to anyone who seeks my insight, I hesitate to tell anyone that what they're doing is wrong. I might tell them if I know they'd appreciate it, but it's never in a judgmental tone, as if to suggest that I'm such a good Muslim and that other person isn't even close!

    Our faults and our sins come with being human, you're absolutely correct. And humans can't be perfect no matter how hard that try. We should keep this in mind before deciding whether someone's a good Muslimah or not, and few of us tend to do this.

    Thank you again for visiting me! I look forward to hearing from you more often :) And you've got a great blog going there! Can't wait to start reading it!

  27. hi, what confuses me and I hear it alot, is that we are told that the hijab (in this instance the scarf on the head, the full abaya & shela etc, not the actaully meaning as in the way you behave and conduct yourself), that it is not just identified with muslims that in orthodox jews and nuns wera it, so it is a sign of being poius and listening to Allah command, but when a women does not wear it she is told that she cannot be identified as muslim and she is not bwing a good muslim. now my question is if the hijab id practised by orthodox jews and nuns when when you dont wear you are told you are not a good muslim. I know non-hijab women who behave in the most pious ways and hijab women who behave in a way that is not a behaviour of a muslim as a whole. To be honest I am getting a little tired of the hijab back and forth that seem to occupy what it is to be a muslim women, a piece of clothe does not make you a good muslim or not nor does it give you the rights that Allah has bestowed on women. I believe how a person (women or man) behave as whole should say what kind of muslim they are, and at the end it is not up to us to judge, it is up to Allah.

  28. It sounds like there are an awful lot of Muslims who worry a bit too much about what others are doing, and conveniently forget to manage their own behaviour! But why should we be surprised? Don't such sofus exist in every religion and community?

    The hypocrisy lies with those who criticise others for doing the same "bad" behaviour that they themselves are doing, not with the hijabi who is expected to represent them.

    While it may be appropriate to inform an ignorant Muslim or Muslimah with proper information, we must also realise that each of us will be judged individually by ALLAH at the proper time. This means the informing should be done with decorum and integrity, and once the information is given the duty is done.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Colleen!

      Yes, the issue lies in every religious/cultural community -- but that doesn't mean we can't focus on the Muslim community, or A Muslim community, and talk about it :)

      "The hypocrisy lies with those who criticise others for doing the same "bad" behaviour that they themselves are doing, not with the hijabi who is expected to represent them."
      YES!! YES X 50000!! This is it! Take the example of a Muslim woman who, let's say, drink. If she sees a hijabi woman drinking, she has a problem with that. [An extreme case, I know, but it's an example.]

  29. For me, I don't care what a Hijabi or a non Hijabi do or don't do, everyone has their own choice and people should STOP judging!

    But personally, I don't wear the Hijab; and if I ever plan to, I would want to be a good representative of Islam because whether we like it or not, Hijabis have a bigger responsibility in representing Islam everyday, especially in the West.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Anonymous!
      Yes, precisely! People should simply stop judging. And I don't mean this in a general sense, since I understand the claim that we all judge to some extent. But I mean at least stop judging whether someone's a good Muslim or bad Muslim solely based on whether she's wearing a hijab and is doing some things we were raised to believe are "bad" or "haraam," especially socially.

      And, yes, hijabis do have a much bigger responsibility in representing Islam everyday. In fact, Muslim women in general do. How do you determine the "hijab" of a Muslim man? Some people say beard, but I disagree with that (if need be, I'll explain why). But it's exactly this whole idea of burdening hijabi women with the responsibility of accurately representing all of Islam and all Muslims that I'm standing against. Surely, the hijab has many purposes and there are many reasons why a woman would choose to wear the hijab, but not ALL of them wear it to become better Muslims or attain piety. We all wear it for different reasons, and willing to appreciate being seen as representatives of Islam and all Muslims may or may not be one of them.

  30. This seems to imply that if a hijabi does something "abnormal" (by religious or cultural standards?), then it means she is not covering by choice. It seems you are putting forth a standard by which to judge whether or not a woman covers by choice. In case anyone is tempted to take it that way, I would like to point out that it's much more complicated than that.

    1. Thank you for your insight, Rubayya!
      I'm interested to know how it seems that way, since I have insisted that I do not at all believe that even many (perhaps a few, yes) hijabi women wear the hijab out of compulsion. Take the case of the Jordanian women I mentioned, for instance: all of the ones I met, including those who were smokers, discussed the importance of the hijab and why they wear it and how important it is to them (not that I ask people if they're doing it by choice or why they wear it. That's such a tiring question. But these things come up in friendly conversations).

      Contrary to your perception, in fact, I wanted and still want to show that, especially since many of us assert that most/many hijabi women do wear the hijab out of personal choice, why NOT let them do whatever they wish to do while being hijabis? If they're going to smoke in public without a headscarf and want to do the same with the hijab on, what do we get from judging them and telling them that "dude, that's not hijab!"

      I hope my message is clear now. But I thank you for sharing how you understood this, and I'm interested in knowing how you concluded that I'm attempting to set a standard by which to judge whether or not a woman covers by choice. An interesting read of the post, I must say.

  31. this was really interesting to read, especially as smoke!
    however, almost everything else i do is halal, and i'm really concsious in public that i have be behave properly. but when i smoke, i feel like everyone, including non hjabi's are tutting at me!
    i just think people should think 'well maybe that the only un'halal thing she does. and smoking isnt actually haram,so its better to do that than some of the things i've seen people do!'
    i try to look on the good side to everyone, to a fault lol.

  32. First of all, i think, wearing hijab should be a thing of choice. What i mean is that first you should to choose to be a "good girl/woman/wife" in that way you understand that(being a "good girl") and than,if it include covering your hair, cover your hair-wear hijab. otherwise it gives no sense to me... And making people to do what they dont understand why and it doesnt come from their souls its the biggest fault and misunderstanding of all religons

  33. Why is the definition of a "good" girl entail being passive and quiet? Why is the perfect muslim woman seen but not heard??

    If a woman who wears hijab is now the symbol of Islam, they need to use this new power to redefine the concept of the "good muslim girl". Muslim woman should smoke and laugh as loud as they want just to drive home the point that the purity of your soul has nothing to do with your level of muteness.

  34. Look girl, As per The Commandments the restrictions are entirely different for men & women as per Islam. e.g. there is severe punishment for men on touching a woman but not so much other way around similarly modest dressing is much more stressed on women than men & hijab of face & hair is not Islamic hijab.....Islamic dress code for men is to cover just b/w knees & navel but entire body except face & hands for women......All men observe these touching & dress code restrictions but less than 5 % women observe Islamic dress code

    1. Thanks for your comment, Anonnie!

      QUOTE: "All men observe these touching & dress code restrictions but less than 5 % women observe Islamic dress code"

      lol - I wonder why ;) I want us to understand the arbitrariness of these "rules" and also ask *why* they are this way and so severely different for different genders, who came up with these "rules," when and why, and how realistic and fair they are in different settings. C'mon - be critical.

  35. Islam treats men and Women in Islam as one, yet they are dissimilar. Islamic women who choose to wear the hijab it allows them to retain their modesty, morals and freedom of choice. They choose to cover because they believe it is liberating and allows them to avoid harassment. Islam promotes modest dress among women. Many Muslim women wear a headscarf, often known as a hijab and in Quranic Arabic as the khimar. Many of these garments cover the hair, ears and throat, but do not cover the face Why Wear Hijab


Dare to opine :)