Oman Journals

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Drawings of Mohammad, Facebook, Pakistan, and Ignorance!

Okay, so I'm not really sure whether to laugh at or cry for (some) Muslims. We've all probably heard about the whole "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" thingie that started on Facebook, and many of us can even imagine the response of some Muslims (death threats, etc.).

So, what had happened was that South Park recently had an episode in which it depicted Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) as a bear. Many Muslims were infuriated and created riots over it, some even refusing to watch the show anymore and others going so far as to threaten the creators/producers/cartoonists of the show. I'm going to quote Wikipedia here (well, yeah, Wiki al-Saheeh has been keeping up with much better than I have, you see): The South Park episode sparked statements from the extremist website Revolution Muslim posted a picture of the partially decapitated body of the Dutch filmmaker, Theo van Gogh, with a statement declaring that Parker and Stone could meet a similar fate.

So, it looks like some extremist Muslims were threatening the South Park show people, and in response, Jon Wellington created the Facebook page for "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" to show support for South Park and to stand against the extremist response of the Muslims who issued death threats. The person who first drew a cartoon of Mohammed to inspire the creation of the Facebook group was Molly Norris, who is now said to have apologized for having drawn the caricature and suggested to others to do the same; she also claims that her intention was not to instigate hatred. (Well, clearly, someone doesn't how beastly some humans can be, eh.)

Then in response to all this, to show it's "love" for Islam and Muslims, Pakistan banned Facebook (it banned Youtube, too; go figure!).  Me, I bow my head at this decision because of its stupidity.

Now I also hear that the Facebook page of the DrawMohammedDay has been hacked by some Turkish Muslims. Okay, now that's even more ignorant and ridiculous than demanding that Facebook close the DrawMoahmmed Page. Could we GET any more pitiful than this?

To answer my own questions, YES! Yes, we can! Get this: About a month ago, an Iranian Muslim cleric named Kazim Sidigi stated publicly that the reason we have earthquakes is because of the immodesty of some women. Quoting him, "Many women who do not dress modestly lead young men astray and spread adultery in society which increases earthquakes." He later added, "Some ask why (more) earthquakes and storms don't occur in the Western world, which suffers from the slime of homosexuality, the slime of promiscuity and has plunged up to the neck" in immorality, he said.
"Who says they don't occur? Storms take place in the U.S. and other parts of the world. We don't say committing sin is the entire reason but it's one of the reasons," he said. He kinda clarifies himself in this last statement; otherwise, he's being utterly illogical and nonsensical in his first quote. He obviously has no knowledge of earthquakes or their formation, I see. 

Anyway, so guess how some people responded to this claim that earthquakes are caused by the immodesty of women: A female named
Jen McCreight created a Facebook Event to invite women and girls on Monday, April 26th, 2010 to be as immodest as they wanted to be. It was actually called "Bookquake," which she defined to mean the showing of cleavage, but she also said, "You don't have to show your cleavage if you don't want to. Show your ankles, for there must be someone out there who thinks that for a girl to show her ankle is immodest!" She adds:
I was amused and annoyed, but not surprised. Blaming natural disasters on sinful activities isn't limited to Muslim clerics—just look at Pat Robertson's comments on Haiti , or Jerry Falwell's on Hurricane Katrina. But as a scientist and a feminist, I felt obligated to respond. I proposed on my blog that we try a bit of a science experiment to test Sedighi's hypothesis: On Monday, April 26, women would dress as immodestly as they desired, and we would see if we really did increase the number of earthquakes. In a brilliant display of my intellectual sense of humor, I dubbed the event "Boobquake." I hurriedly submitted the post and scampered off before I missed the beginning of House.  

(Like she says, blaming natural disasters on the activity of humans is nothing new or atypical. Me, I don't buy this argument/explanation whatsoever. I must admit, any time we can't explain something or don't have any answers to a difficult question, we bring God into it and leave it to Him.)

My opinion on the draw Mohammad idea? This:
I don't approve of the idea of drawing Mohammad because I sense a bad intention (and I read some of the comments on the DrawMohammed page on Facebok, and they were extremely rude and intolerant), BUT I don't approve of Muslims' behavior towards South Park's decision either, just as I condemned Muslims' reaction to the Dutch cartoons. You see, we're absolutely ridiculous when it comes to making a point. We don't want people to make a picture of Prophet Mohammad, so we start killing each other and other people, and especially those who do what we don't want them to do! So I'm going to have to break some hearts here and say ... we Muslims brought this upon ourselves. We kill people who criticize Islam or say anything we don't like about Islam (EVEN THOUGH we say bad things about other religions ALL the time :S like it's our "right" to do so), and so this is what we get. When we protest, we have signs that say "KILL THOSE who insult Islam!" or "BEHEAD those who draw Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)!" Or "Go to hell, Free Speech!" (without realizing that what we're doing right there is itself free speech too, lol!) When these people protest, is there any violence at all? We kill people like Theo van Gogh with pride, and we think we've done an awesome job AND that now that we've killed him, all others should learn a lesson from our having killing him; we think that if we kill the bearer of an idea, we kill the idea itself. WHO exactly are we fooling with such ludicrous thinking? Well, guess what, folks with a feeble mind and extremely weak faith The idea is still there! You killed only one person who thought like that; what are you gonna do, kill the millions who believe that way, too? That's what this DrawMohammadDay group was trying to convey - "These extremist Muslims might threaten or even kill one or a few of us, but they can't kill all of us!" What we need to learn, folks, is to criticize an idea, a thought, NOT the individual bearing the idea. But, heck, try reasoning with folks who think you're anti-Islam/anti-Muslim just because you don't agree with their extremist ideologies. But, me, thank God I've finally officially learned to just observe without responding to people who don't make sense and think they're the most sensible people alive. I guess ignorance is bliss for them all right.

Someone please tell me something ... why are we imposing our views on non-Muslims? If hadiths tell us not to draw Prophet Mohammad, should this same ruling apply to non-Muslims too? And shouldn't we be questioning the idea of why we can't draw it in the first? Isn't the philosophy behind it that eventually we'll start to worship it? (Not that we don't already worship the prophet, of course. I think we worship him much more than we worship Allah... some of us, I mean, of course.) So, if that's the case, why are we killing ourselves and others over this whole matter? 

A friend of mine wrote on his Facebook page that "Let's create a FB page and call it "Stupid things that Muslims say and do." I'm totally for it. I could write at least three heavy books on the topic of "stupidity among Muslims."

I'm so fed up of the nonsense that Muslims feed each other and the nonsense that they allow themselves to accept. Why is there nothing about the killings of Muslims and non-Muslims worldwide? Over 2.5 million Pashtuns were displaced during the last couple of years; what have Muslims done about these people? What have Muslims done about the Sudanese who are still suffering in their genocide? Yes, we've done a lot for the Palestinians, can't deny that, but what about all other Muslims?

I guess what I mean is ... why don't Muslims ever unite for something more "constructive" than "let's hack the anti-Islam groups!"? THIS is what we are willing to unite for? Oh my God.
Ignorance makes me gag ... no, wait, it makes me sick.


  1. *lends barf bag* I keep a few extra handy because something like this always comes up. :) Chin up, Qrratugai. What we can do is smile benignly like Mona Lisa and let things pass. Can't be emabarrassed all the time.
    Also, that 'Stupd Things Muslims Say and Do' page sounds very fun.

  2. LOL! Thanks, LongBlackVeil Sis! That was very generous of you ;)

  3. Oh, and I'll let you know when that page is up, lol ... unless he was just kidding :O

  4. I think that the stupidity among people of any religion starts with interpretations. When you challenge the Quran, don't you think that you already are dissatisfied with Islam as a religion? Is it right to say that Islam, the religion of God Allah, is already flawed? Or are the worshippers simply weak and imperfect to understand? And to 'agree' to understandings that content every individual person/ group is selfish, don't you think? Pastors and old scholars who still serve in orthodox churches have admitted that the bible changes over time due to different interpretations to suit the society (multiple sources). Islam, similar to Christianity? For a start?

  5. Thank you for your comment, Anonymous!
    You make a lot of important points, starting with the problem of interpretations, but I'm not sure I follow. For instance, how does one "challenge" the Qur'an? Do you think it's the Qur'an itself (i.e., its verses) that those you speak of challenge, or do you think it's the interpretation, understanding of those verses that they're challenging?

    As for the worshiper's weakness and imperfection and hence inability to understand the Qur'an - I disagree with this idea because it suggests that the Qur'an isn't there to be understood in the first place, when I believe it CAN be understood. The problem is always, as I see it, whose understanding of it do we accept and whose do we reject?

    I also don't think anyone's point is to "change" Islam or the Qur'an (that's impossible) or to "agree" to an understanding of the Qur'an or Islam that *every individual person or group* is content with." I think the point is, instead, to understand the Qur'an given our times, situations, circumstances, surroundings, and so on. Everything around us reflects our understanding (interpretation) of the Qur'an, which also helps explain why 7th century scholars, all of whom were male, interpreted it very differently than many do today, especially in regards to women and non-Muslims. Ideas of justice and equality, you see, are upheld by the Qur'an but not at all explained; we don't know what the Qur'an means when it wants us to promote justice and peace, but we do know that it wants us to do that. This may mean the Qur'an (God) wants us to look at how the two are defined in our own times, which are not the same as they were in, say, 7th century Arabia or 15th century England, as they are today, and even today, not all societies have the same ideas of justice/equality/etc.

    Does this make sense?

    Thanks again for dropping by and commenting!


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