Oman Journals

Saturday, March 14, 2009

More Serious Things to Worry about, No?... Probably Not.

Pre-script: I know this is a very un-serious post, but I still have something important to say. In the end, I guess. Fine, I'll TRY to keep it short (LOL, LOL, LOL! What, sorry that was a joke.) And who ever decided that Qrratugai must always write about serious issues and nothing else that travels in her mind? Well :) Welcome to Qrratugai's world, and at last ... you're experiencing hearing Qrratugai's REAL Qrratey (the best way to translate that might be "The Talkative Girl's Useless Talks," I am thinking).

So... a few weeks ago, I was invited by a really good friend to join this website that is for Muslim females only; no non-Muslims and no males are allowed to join the circle at all. It’s called something like a "Sisterhood Circle." (I won’t give the web address of it because, as bitter as I may be towards it, I think it’d be dishonorable and wrong of me to expose it when it’s meant for females only.)
Now, I was really happy there, I enjoyed my time there, I enjoyed posting blogs there (about Pukhtuns and our current genocide and some random things about Islam because, after all, it was/is a Muslim Circle). As I am about everything that I’m a part of, I was very passionate about this circle as well; I was very active there and joined several groups and discussions wherever I thought my thoughts and ideas were needed. A lot of the females there were new converts to Islam and had several questions to ask here and there, something I really appreciated and enjoyed responding to. Now, their questions were like, "Are we really not allowed to keep dogs inside our houses?" or "Are we really not allowed to take pictures? I have a lot of pictures of my family, and they bring good memories. Do I really have to get rid of them?" and other such questions. Mind me all you want, but I thought it was important that I mention to them to – for God’s sake – be more practical, more realistic. Clearly, that wasn't the most brilliant idea I've ever come up with :O I thought it was, eh. Well, I wrote a blog saying that I think we have much more serious things to worry about.... What! I was and still am serious! :S People are dying all over the world, people are hungry and need our help, women are being raped and are shouting for justice, languages are being wiped off the face of the earth, and there are at leas three million and a half more problems that I can think of, or that you can think of, I’m sure. So I expressed my thoughts and said something around the lines of:

Look, guys, does it really matter? I understand that what’s important to one person may be something totally trivial to another, but we really should be focusing on the bigger picture. What kind of a God is gonna punish someone, say a really good person, for having a dog inside his/her home or for taking pictures? All Islam asks is that you don’t worship those photos and illustrations and whatnot, and all’s well. And if you PERSONALLY don’t agree with the idea, then is it really belief? I don’t know about others, but I don’t think that’s sincere belief. And what’s the point of believing if one’s not gonna agree with it in one’s heart? But putting this aside, does it make sense at all that we wonder if our fasts have been accepting just because we broke it or kept a few seconds after/before the times set on our time tables at home (or are they, like, actually carved in stones but copied on those time tables?)? Does it ever occur to us that there may be some discrepancies, and it should be perfectly fine if our fasts are broken a little while after or before those times? And should it really matter if we can eat skittles/Doritos/starbursts/etc. when we should be more worried about things that are destroying humanity?

And next thing I knew – I was BANNED from the website! I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but I thought it was amusing so I laughed at it :S. I mean, really, what the hell.

Well, I’m gonna continue enjoying eating my skittles and Doritos and starbursts, and you continue forbidding the pleasure of it upon your sad selves just because you’re fooled into believing that it is haraam (forbidden) No hard feelings; we just have different understanding of the whole idea of something that’s allowed vs something that’s forbidden, no? There’s nothing wrong with that, as long as you let me live in peace with my beliefs and I let you live in peace with yours. And just as long as you don’t force yours upon me or consider me inferior to you just because yours are different than mine (I’d even like to say that ... well, just as long as you don’t think I’m gonna go to hell just cause I believe differently, BUT unfortunately, I can’t change the thoughts swimming in your head, so I’ll let you have that one, k? And so what if you think I’mma go to hell and you to heaven? LOL! I’m interested to see your ticket to heaven and mine to hell, actually. If you don’t have one for me OR for you, then quit talking BS about it :) It makes you look really, really dumb and unworthy of my respect and attention. No hard feelings, still, no hard feelings. Really.)

Oh, and then when I tried to discuss this with the girl who owned the website, she refused to talk to me about it. I don’t know why? BUT she claimed to someone else that the fact that I’d NOT given my real location was another reason she banned me. Oh, GEEZ, why on earth would I reveal my location like that? :| Anyone who wants to know can ask me any time, and the people who are important to me KNOW already where I live, so what’s up with that, buds? And then not to mention – I was never warned about this! I was never even INFORMED that I was about to be banned :| I thought that was very childish, cheap, and insecure of the person to do because it proved that she (or those who asked for my being banned) were just very insecure about their beliefs and didn’t want someone like me introducing new thoughts to them. I don’t know about the rest of the world, but I pity people who live in a little hole like that; don’t they get suffocated at all? Lord, have mercy on such sad and helpless and low self-esteemed creatures.
Wait, so they banned me, and I'm thinking ... didn't they actually judge me, when they hypocritically claimed that it was a non-judgmental site for non-judgmental sisters? Okay, I think we should laugh at that because that was very hypocritical -- not just immature and sad and pitiful and unwise -- of them to do what they did. They should have a big sign on their website that reads: "No, Sister, you're NOT welcome to disagree with the mainstream Muslim thoughts; you must agree with everything the typical Muslim preaches, teaches, practices, and believes, or else, we ban the cow outta you. Sorry in advance. Oh, but please bear in mind that you're not allowed to judge anyone here, all right? Thanks for understanding. Now, welcome to our Circle :) We hope you'll enjoy your stay with us and contribute your mainstream ideas to us -- in a non-judgmental manner! Thanks for joining."

Anyway... :) This was just to say: We have MUCH more serious things to worry about than whether a girl should cover her hair, whether my prayers were accepted if I showed a strand or two of it while praying, whether my fasts were accepted if I broke then a while after or later than the time on the tables, whether I can keep a dog inside my house, whether I can eat my favorite candy (skittles, etc.), whether I can take pictures, and other such totally unimportant questions that waste our time when we could be discussing methods to help people who are suffering from poverty, lack of education, oppression, etc., etc.

Peace be upon this world and ALL of its citizens! Aameen.


  1. ur gay..dont come back..

  2. LMAO!!! You WOULD say that, wouldn't you? LOL! After all, that is the most convenient response to someone who disagrees with you, no?
    Anyways, good thing you came across this page ;) I was hoping you would. Someone REALLY needed to tell you what I told you in this post.

    Go ahead - ban me again. I'm perfectly okay with it.

  3. This was a a very daring post I must say,though it needs a Jacobian heart to read it in one go.However due to my experience I got the crux of your thought process at the backend of your mind.

    Religion ,is a sensitive subject as it is mostly based on emotional attachements instead of scientific reasoning.

    May I suggest that one should use the scientific approach of being skeptic towards every notion.The best way to find the truth is not to believe in it first and then question its validity but the converse.

    The pinciple of falsification is another way to test the truth of any claim by the clergy.

    Scientific reasoning is based on logic while logical people are not creative as creativity is thinking out of the box.Hence one should be cautious not to devise new religeous notions in an attentpt to logically refute the older one.

  4. :O Yao kho sta da sro zaro daa pilosopy, Rokhan Baba!
    QUOTING: "The best way to find the truth is not to believe in it first and then question its validity but the converse."

    MashaAllah!! Such true utterance!

    However, I disagree that because creativity is thinking out of the box, logical people cannot be creative. ~scratching chin~ I mean, logic requires sharp thinking; so does creativity. Logic also requires leaving the box, the box of ... well, whatever's the antithesis of reason/logic.

    You know what I mean? Or should I explain?

  5. Oh, and could it be possible that logical people may be creative in SOME things but logical in OTHER things? ... After all, isn't it really dull to be ONE thing (creative or logical in this case) in EVERY situation? lol

  6. Logical people are only creative in being logical and are logical in even being creative.

  7. If everything had a yes/no answer there would be no room for discussion or thought or idea. The Quran, Bible, etc would be books with 2 columns, one titles Yes and one titled No. There would be no need to reason or question with whatever act falls into whatever category.

    If they felt you were wrong to eat Skittles (seriously?), they should have discussed why, not banned you.

    No wonder new converts/reverts are derailing from religion as it's all too much to take!


Dare to opine :)