Oman Journals

Monday, March 17, 2014

I've lost my grandpa - on death, loss, and guilt

May he rest in peace. 

I've lost my grandpa. He's gone. This beautiful man with a beautiful heart and beautiful service to society is now gone. He was 85 years old, in good health (until the day he felt something wrong and went for a check up and ... well, things went downhill from there, and he passed away while unconscious during/after a surgery), and despite having retired many years ago, he attended a school where he used to teach before because he loved the company, he loved the environment, and he loved the idea of being in the sacredness of an educational institution. The school knew him well, and many of his former students were teachers there now (whom he used to greet/salute with two hands instead of just the right hand, and that meant so much to them ...), and he had a lot of respect there. He said he didn't do it for the money but just to pass some time. He'd walk halfway through and refused to let anyone drive him because he said he needed and enjoyed the exercise. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

From "The Thrival Room": Interfaith Marriage for Muslim Women, the Unavailable Husband, and Kafa'a

Recently, a fabulous group of Muslim Americans launched a fabulous website called The Thrival Rom. There aren't that many Muslim spaces out there that are open to diverse, controversial, non-orthodox, and non-conventional perspectives, so I'm deeply grateful to the Thrival team for not just sharing my voice there but welcome and encouraging it as well. I wish the team and the website much success! May it go far and wide, and may it benefit Muslims and the rest of humanity everywhere. Aameen.
I'll write another blog introducing the website and copying/pasting their "About Me" section, but for now, here's an important message from them: The website is literally, "Your eye into Muslim America. The reality of the world is that there will always be two things that inform opinions – the way things should be and the way things are.There are plenty of websites focused on the way things should be by trying to bring the message of Islam to the world. This website focuses on the way things are for Muslims and telling it like it is." 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Today, I hosted my first party ever!

I love people, I love being around my friends and other good people, and I love my friends. Today (Friday, February 28, 2014), I hosted the party of two incredibly special friends. I have some of the most amazing conversations with them, and we often talk about gender-related issues. So I decided to go all satirical on them and make the decorations ... well, princessy. Everything was pink, including some of the colors of the cake, and even the cake's message was "Happy Birthday, Princess I. and Princess P" (their full names were on the cake, but these are their initals). hahahaha. They totally got it, as did the guests, and we had a fabulous time and great laughter. Alhamdulillah for love, happiness, good friends, and the whole idea of parties!